Celebrations of the 250th
Anniversary of the Settlement and 200th Anniversary of the City of New
Song: New Brunswick You’re Our Pride - Written for
the 200th Anniversary of the City of New Brunswick in 1930.
Pictorial History of New Brunswick. Originally reprinted from the New Brunswick Sunday Times
October, 1930. Published by Clark’s Bookstore, 400 George Street New Brunswick,
N.J. 1979. This book measures 12 inches by 17 inches.
the highway. New Brunswick, 1680-1930. Supplement
to the Sunday Times, New Brunswick, N.J., October 5, 1930.
Anniversary of the City of New Brunswick. Song
Service of the Nations. October 12, 1930
Guide for the Entertainment and Comfort of Our Guests. October
12-15, 1930
Historic Map of New Brunswick N.J. Quartermillennial
of the Settlement, Bicentennial of the Royal Charter. Anniversary Celebration,
October 12-15, 1930. Notes by Charles Deshler.
Drama on the Highway. New Brunswick, New Jersey. At the Anniversary Time; The
250th Year of the Settlement and the 200th Year of the Royal Charter Presents
the Pageant of New Brunswick or “The Drama on the Highway”. October 13 and 14,
Instructions to Participants in the Pageant of
New Brunswick 'The Drama on the Highway.' Nelson Field October 13 and 14, 1930.